Adopting a Child from Pakistan FAQs

Things to know about Pakistani adoption

Fill out a no obligation pre-application

Who are the Children in Need of Adoption?

Infants, newborn to a few months, healthy or with minor medical issues.

What are the Eligibility Requirements?

  • Citizenship: At least one Applicant is a US citizen
  • Religion: Applicants must be practicing Muslims
  • Age of Applicant: Between 25 to 49 years old
  • Marital Status: Married 2 or more years, with no more than a 12-year age difference between spouses
  • Marital History: Each spouse can have no more than one divorce
  • Family Composition: Preference to families with no children, but one child in the home is permitted
  • Gender Preference: Gender preference is strongly discouraged
  • Parent Physical Health: Excellent health without significant medical concerns. Documented infertility strengthens the application but is not required
  • Parent Mental Health: Excellent health without major medical concerns or conditions
  • Income: Financial security is required
  • Prior Criminal History: Minor offenses older than five years are considered on a case-by-case basis; no drug offenses.

What Information Can I Expect About the Child?

Most children placed are newborns with limited information available. Clients are required to get a physical exam of the child upon taking initial custody.

How Long is the Process?

The Pakistani adoption process is unpredictable, but from the completion of the home study to securing the visa to return home with your child should be no longer than 9 months.

How Long is the Stay in Pakistan?

Plan to be in Pakistan for 4 to 6 months. Our local facilitator will guide you through the process and assist in arranging appointments with the orphanage. Once custody is obtained, our facilitator will assist in scheduling the child’s physical and provide legal services for Kafala and the child’s visa.

Can You Tell Us More About Pakistan?

  • Clients must be of Pakistani heritage.
  • Clients are not matched with a child before traveling, making the process and length of stay less predictable.
  • While our facilitator is there to assist, having family or friends in Pakistan is beneficial.

Is Pakistan Right for You?

  • Clients must be of Pakistani heritage.
  • Clients are not matched with a child before traveling, making the process and length of stay less predictable.
  • While our facilitator is there to assist, having family or friends in Pakistan is beneficial.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Program News: Pakistan

Program News: Pakistan

Exciting News: Supporting Kafala with Nayab Orphanage in Pakistan New Beginnings is pleased to announce that we are now supporting adoptions through the Nayab Welfare Human Health Care and Orphanage Association, a registered charity in Karachi, Pakistan. Families in...

Pakistan Adoption Online Meeting

Pakistan Adoption Online Meeting

Join us on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 8:00 pm (EST) for an online meeting to provide an overview of adopting from Pakistan through New Beginnings Family and Children’s Services. The session will address eligibility, timing, process, and, most importantly, the...

ISCN Kafala Adoption Event

ISCN Kafala Adoption Event

ISCN in conjunction with New Beginnings Family and Children’s Services invites you to learn about Kafala (international orphan adoption) Saturday, May 18, 10 am - 1 pm  465 Santana Way, Corona, CA 92881 Learn about the current active Kafala programs in Morocco and...

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