Adopting a Child from Korea FAQs
Things to know about Korean adoption
Fill out a no obligation pre-application
Currently, we are not accepting new applicants for the Korean Program, (April 15, 2024).
Over the coming months, there may be a child or children availabe for adoption. Applicants must be open to children with medical needs and special needs. Families are welcome to submit an Adoptive Family Profile and a we will hold it on file. There is no fee due with the submission of the AFP. We also invite you to consider our Thailand Program as an option.
Why Korean Adoption?
Adoptions from Korea have a well-deserved reputation for excellence. New Beginnings places children with the cooperation of Eastern Social Welfare Society in Korea. We have successfully operated our Korean program since our founding in 1985. Children receive excellent medical care comparable to the United States, and their medical information is complete. Foster parents care for the children available for Korean adoption, where they receive the benefits of a nuclear family. We are presently accepting applications for this program. If you want to know more about the Korean Program, e-mail us or call us at 516-747-2204.
Who are the Children in Need of Adoption?
Most of the children in need of adoption are boys, 16 months to two years old at placement. Korea does not allow gender preference. The information presented with the referral is detailed and complete, with growth charts and developmental progress. The referral packet also includes non-identifying background information on the birth parents. The children receive excellent medical attention with monthly well-checks. Updated information and pictures are routinely available. We encourage adopting families to send letters and packages to the child during the process. Anticipate referrals of children with medical concerns, and it is common to see some degree of alcohol or tobacco exposure in the background. Families must be open to a child with correctable needs or special needs on a case-by-case basis.
What is the Length of Time?
For the limited number of families taken at this time, we anticipate most will have a referral by or before June 2023. It is possible that some families will not be matched or will decline a match. Because the new process is not yet established, we cannot determine how long the process will take.
Is Travel Required?
Travel is required. Parents will take two trips, each lasting about 5 to 7 days. The first trip is to meet your child and appear before the Seoul Family Court for adoption. The second trip is about four weeks later. This time you will bring your child home. Due to the pandemic, most families have opted to take one long trip lasting around 6-7 weeks due to mandatory quarantine requirements. This is expected to normalize in the coming months. You will finalize the adoption in Korea, and your child becomes a US citizen when he arrives in the United States. Korea is a modern, industrial nation. Western and American restaurants and amenities are readily available. While there, we strongly encourage our families to experience the wonderful cuisine and culture of Korea.
What are the Eligibility Requirements?
Eligibility requirements are specific in Korea. Below are the requirements for the program. When we start taking applications again, the Age and Age Waiver will likely be lowered.
- Marital Status — Three years of marriage is required.
- Age — Both spouses must be under the age of 45 at child placement; under 42 is recommended when starting the process.
- Age Waiver — Special permission will be given up to age 49, at placement, if one of the following conditions are met:
- At least one parent is of Korean Heritage, or
- One parent is a Korean adoptee, or
- Parents already have adopted from Korea.
- Weight — Both spouses must have a body mass index (BMI) under 30%.
- Health — Both spouses must be in excellent health without major medical concerns. Medication or Counseling for a mental health condition would be a concern in Korea. Please contact us or submit a pre-application if you have specific questions about this.
- Family Composition — There can be no more than four children in the family before the adopted child’s arrival.
- Gender Preference — There is no gender preference, and more boys are placed each year than girls.
- Arrest — If either parent has an arrest, please contact us or submit a pre-application. Most minor arrests would not be disqualifying.
Do you Provide Services in all States?
We can provide adoption placement services in all states. New Beginnings will do the home study and adoption services for families that live in the states that we are licensed: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Florida. For families in other states, we will help you find a licensed home study agency in your state. If another ESWS agency is in your state of residence, we suggest you consider using them for the home study and placement services.
Would it be Right for You?
Many of the children have medical or other concerns in the Background Study. At referral, you will receive a thorough medical report on the child and a social history of the birth parents. Photos and updates on your child come every month after that. There are also progress reports every three months until arrival. Many more boys are placed than girls, and gender preference is not permitted. The adoption process routinely goes smoothly. Korean adoption costs are slightly higher than average. Regardless, Korea is an excellent program and one you should seriously consider.
Korean News And Blogs
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Easing the Adoption Transition: Korean Sleep Patterns
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