Where Your Support is Needed
Many of the children at Le Nid and La Creche live here because of a tragedy in their life; they had nowhere else to go. Many will live there until they are young adults, hoping to be reunited with their family or find a loving home in their birth country. You can make a difference in their lives by supporting our cause. Your donations will help Le Nid and La Creche provide better facilities and equipment to support the physical, emotional, and cognitive development of these children. New Beginnings is a 501(3)(c) charitable organization and all donations are tax-deductible. Please give generously, ask your employer to match your donation, and spread the word to encourage others to do the same. Together, we can provide a brighter future for these children..
Le Nid Orphanage in Meknes
The new Le Nid orphanage in Meknes is almost complete, As many of you have witnessed, the current orphanage is in cramped corridors on the fifth floor of a hospital. But with the construction of a new building more than 80% complete. We need your help to furnish it with beds, cribs, lighting, tables, chairs, and more. Our goal is to raise over $50,000. Together, we can provide them with a new home where they can thrive. Your support will make a tangible difference in the lives of the children who call this facility their home.
La Creche Orphanage in Tangier
Help us support La Creche orphanage in Tangier! With your donations, we can make a big difference in the lives of children with cognitive and physical disabilities. The orphanage has recently built a new room for their care and therapy. Help them furnish the room with play therapy toys and equipment to maximize the benefits for these children. Additionally, La Creche needs a reliable photocopier/printer and computer to archive and securely preserve records. Your contribution will provide sensory integration toys, muscle-strengthening equipment, circulation tools, physical and occupational therapy aids, play therapy items, music, and sand therapy. You’ll also help purchase newly refurbished computers and a copier/printer.