New Beginnings Family and Children’s Services

An International Adoption Agency

Our mission is to find orphaned and displaced children permanent loving homes by providing quality and compassionate social services through the adoption process and after the child is placed.

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Ready to start the conversation? Submit a pre-application to determine your eligibility and answers to your questions.

Adopt from Morocco

Moroccan children of all ages need loving Muslim families for kafala and adoption.

Adopt From Thailand

Children in Thailand in need of adoptive families range in age from three years to pre-teen. They are typically healthy and receive a great deal of attention and care.

Adopting From Pakistan

Children available for adoption in Pakistan by Muslim families are infants, newborn to a few months who are healthy or have minor medical issues.

Adopting From Jamaica

New Beginnings provide home study and primary provider services for families seeking to adopt relatives or pre-identified children through The Child Protection and Family Services (CPFSA – formally, the Child Development Agency) in Jamaica. The program is suitable for people of Jamaican heritage that are seeking to adopt a known orphan or relative.


Primary Provider Services

A primary provider is needed for all international adoptions, including Relative, Identified Child, and Heritage adoptions.

Under the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoptions and the Uniform Accreditation Act, there must be a Primary Provider in all cases to ensure that the adoption complies with specific standards.

New Beginnings will consider assisting families wherever needed.

Homestudy Services

As a Hague Accredited Agency, New Beginnings can provide Supervised Home Study Services for most agencies and programs. We also do home studies for domestic adoptions. For families who are working with a separate agency for the placement of the child, New Beginnings offers home study and post-adoption services to families residing in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Florida. 

Adopt from Korea

At this time, New Beginnings is not accepting applications to the Korean Program. 

Waiting Children

For many people, a waiting child adoption is a wonderful way to add to their family. A waiting child is a child who is legally free for adoption but does not yet have a permanency plan. A child may be waiting because of a identified need, a challenging social history, or age.

Latest News From New Beginnings

Morocco Kafala Program Update

Morocco Kafala Program Update

The Morocco Kafala Program is actively collaborating with orphanages and local government officials across Morocco to understand better how we can meet the needs of children awaiting permanent families. While the number of orphans in Morocco is high, establishing...

Program News: Morocco

Program News: Morocco

New Beginnings is actively working with orphanages and officials across Morocco to expand ethical, child-centered kafala opportunities. While the process takes time, we remain dedicated to establishing responsible partnerships that will help more children find loving homes.

Meet Captain

Meet Captain

Captain is a curious, social, and playful child with a kind heart. At 5 years old, he thrives on learning and has made great progress in his development. Known for his helpfulness, Captain enjoys caring for his friends and engaging with his teachers. He’s talkative,...

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